Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bowling Party

On May 15 the Denver kids and counselors met for the second time

before camp in August.

We had a bowling party at Elitch Lanes and boy
did we have fun! Here are just a few pictures

that Mr. Brian (our photographer) took of us all having fun!!

Some of us are better bowlers than others.....

But the important thing was that we all began to work together as teams and to get to know each other and our counselors.
We bowled a couple of games and then finished our time together by eating hot dogs and fries.

Next time we all see each other will be in July at the museum. The parent meeting will be on July 19 during the day with an activity at the musuem beforehand. Stay tuned for more info....

In the meantime have a great summer and we will all see you soon!