Tuesday, August 12, 2008

American Indian Day

What a full day we had today! Here's what some of the kids had to say....

Company A

"My favorite thing I did was fishing. I like camp because I'm learning a lot of history." Katie

"The most interesting thing today was learning about the Indians." Amos

"Yes, to marching and fishing!" Hoksila

"I have been having so much fun at camp. I've met lots of new people." Brittney

"I learned about the Civil War and the Red Cloud Agency." Madeline

"The hike today was long but I learned about the Red Cloud Agency." Jared

"I love camp" Haley

Company B

"I really like the camp. It is fun." J.R.

"Today I caught a fish." Nathaniel

"Yesterday we learned drills, it was fun." Kylie

"I have made new friends here at camp." Bryttnee

"I like this camp because we get to learn how different cultures lived and we get to have fun." Andrea

"The reason why I liek camp is because the people seem to like me for who I am." Natasha

"This camp rocks. I like this camp a lot." Josie