Thursday, July 16, 2009

Crazy summer!

Hi everyone. It has been a crazy summer planning four Old Stories camps. We had our first one in June for the Nebraska kids. It was awesome. We were part of the Ft. Robinson Pow Wow. We had an incredible time. We were part of the Grand Entry, the dance contests and some very special instruction from some elders from the Pine Ridge reservation.

We even slept in tipis! Which was great except for one very rainy night....

Check out these great pictures!

We all were excited to embark on a new adventure for a week.

Katie and Taylor are getting outfitted with new gear. They got some cool hats and t-shirts which they got to decorate themselves.

Franklin is working on drawing a bird onto his shirt.

It was fun moving into our new homes. They are a little different from the ones we normally sleep in. Some had some really cool designs and they were really large.

We got to participate in a gazillion activites through out the week. Many of the activities related to history and cultures. The activities included (but are not limited to):

Beading crafts

Playing with cats while doing a bead craft

Playing many different kinds of games

Learned about the civil war

Weapons of the civil war

Learning drill

standing at attention

Getting to play with the guns. (Don't worry they are not real.)

We even got to ride on horses through the wide open plains.

We even got to participate in a pow wow, learned new dances and competed in a compition with our new moves.

Making our grand entrance

Our turn to show off our dancing skills. Jesse, Lacie, Andrea, Sydney and Skyler are picking up the moves fast.

We also got to learn about history from lots of cool people and visit cool places.

We even got to taste the local food that grows in the area.

Nathaniel is doing a great job of mashing the berries, jerky, and nuts together.

The best part is eating it.

We created a new clothing line for summer 2009.

The girls made great models.

We even did yoga in the morning sun.

We experimented with a new language.

We got to add waterbottles to our collection of free stuff, but they were not made out of plastic.

Of course we cannot forget that we made new friends and nourished old friendships.

Our group had a great time and we will always remember each other and the good times.