Whew! We just finished our wagon train in Texas and boy are we all tired. We walked or rode for 8 miles each day. It was an incredible experience. See for yourself......
We were split into different companies and each company had a flag that they had to carry through out the trip.
We also got to ride horses.
When you ride the horses you also have to take care of them.
We also did some walking on the trail.
With all of the walkers, horses and wagons our train became very long.
Our train even drew spectators .
We cooked like they did in the old days with dutch ovens and wood fires. We even learned old west dinner etiquette.
After dinner we got to listen to some real country music.
We learned a lot about history.
We learned what weapons people had in the past and how they were used.
Of course, games were played too.
We all had a wonderful time and will remember this trip for a long time.